
Showing posts from August, 2015

Life with 2 Under 2.....So far

Oh My Crazy Life  I didn't really spend too much time planning how in the world I was going to handle two children so young. I've come to learn that somehow, moms just figure it out because we have to. And while planning details is something that I feel like I HAVE to do all the time, this one just seemed a little too overwhelming and I was counting on my super mommy skills to get me through it. I figure that in no time, after this transition process, we won't even know what life without such young kiddos would be like anyway. This lifestyle will become OUR lifestyle, we'll get used to it, and figure it out as we go along.  This first week and a half has been a whirl wind adventure, full of learning, some crying, some yelling, but lots of hugs and kisses. It helps that Matt is home on paternity leave and it helps that we have daycare for JB during the week. I can't even imagine how a stay at home mom with a working husband would do it. I can't wrap my head a

Just Cuddle With Me

A New World  My second night in the hospital, I found myself getting so frustrated. I kept trying to put Tater Tot in the bassinet next to my bed and he wasn't having any of it. He was clean, fed, swaddled, what more could he need? I found myself sending angry texts to Matt, who was soundly sleeping at home with Jellybean. I can't do this.... this kid won't let me put him down....I'm going to give in to the pacifier...complaint after complaint. I finally caved and let the little guy sleep on my chest, and sleep soundly he did, both of us actually. Over the next few days, as I wrestled with wanting to put him down and him absolutely refusing, things started to dawn on me. First of all, this could very well be my last newborn. While we haven't ruled out baby number 3, we haven't ruled IN baby number 3 either. The plan is to reevaluate in a few years and who knows how we'll feel then. So why in the world am I fighting cherishing every sweet newborn momen

Post Partum Recovery: the 2nd time around

It's Easier  As I waited very impatiently for Tater Tot to come out, I never really stressed about the labor process. Sure, I worried about knowing when to get to the hospital on time, but I wasn't too worried about the whole being in the hospital part. Probably because my delivery with Jellybean was relatively easy and turns out, so was my delivery with Tater Tot. Something I was totally dreading though was the post part recovery. Oh my goodness I remember that being the worst thing ever. I described that recovery period to my friends as trying to rebuild an area that had suffered through a serious war.  Fortunately, I'm learning that recovery the second time around is actually much easier! Maybe it's just me and every woman is different, but I'm pretty grateful that I get to say it's easier. I was terrified of using the bathroom after I had Tater Tot because of the trauma I feel like I went through with Jellybean, but nope, not so bad. When I had Jellybean

A Birth Story: Tater Tot

I can't believe I've had my little man in my arms for a whole week now. This time has FLOWN BY so quickly. I hate to think that time will continue to fly by and my boys will be grown up in no time. I'm learning to take the time to just live in the moment and enjoy my babies while they're still babies. I want to capture every memory so getting this birth story down ASAP has been a priority for me. I don't want to miss the details because I already feel like my brain is overflowing with thoughts and emotions and to do lists. I had basically given up on thinking contractions would turn into labor and given into thinking that I'd most likely get induced. At 39 weeks and 1 day, I was already 3 weeks more pregnant than I was the first time and there were minimal signs that I would be going into labor any time soon. I searched the mommy forums for birth stories trying to find where my "symptoms" fit into those other moms who had their little ones to no avai

Waiting For Tater Tot

I feel like I got so lucky the first time around. I never had to play the "is this it???" game. I wasn't even expecting Jellybean to come for another 4 weeks so when I water broke early on the morning of 29 March 2014, I was completely surprised. This time around things are totally different. I'm 38 weeks and 3 days now and still waiting around for my little Tater Tot. Having Jellybean so early has put me on edge since I hit 36 weeks but this second boy of mine seems to be marching to the beat of his own drummer. I wonder if it will reflect in their personalities too? Jellybean is very impatient! Does this mean Tater Tot will be a little more level headed? Who knows. I hope my water breaks so I know for sure it's time to go in, but that only happens to such a small percentage of women. Chances are, I'm going to have to just ride out the contraction wave until it gets unbearable. For the last two weeks now my contractions have become much more frequent. M

Lifestyle Post: Skincare at 30

My 30 Year Old Skin I've always been extremely lucky with my skin. Aside from the chicken pox scars of course, why didn't I listen when they said don't scratch?? Shaking my head. Acne hasn’t ever been a problem, dark circles under my eyes? What are those? Honestly, even NOT taking my makeup off at night doesn't result in some horrible skin condition the next morning. Which led me to the horrible habit of sleeping with my makeup. Other skin care blunders? I tanned....a lot. I went through a short spurt in my mid 20s when I used a tanning bed. Not every day, or even every week, but before a vacation or in the dead of winter, I'd try to bronze up my skin on occasion. And when I went out in the sun, I didn't care too much about making sure my skin was protected with some sort of SPF. In my mind, I'm Filipino, I'm meant to be in the sun! I'd burn for a second and then get the most wonderful skin tone, I didn't want SPF to prevent that. Oh

LifeStyle: Staying Organized

A little over a month ago I started to feel completely overwhelmed with everything I had to do. Getting ready for a new baby, taking care of my current baby and making sure he maintains a healthy development track, not to mention, my full time job in the military. Ideas, schedules, to do lists, they all started to get jumbled up in my brain.   I needed a way to get myself organized before I started to lose it. It pays to be the boss at work because I have some significant influence on how our funds get used. I decided I wanted a big huge white board in my office so that I could see my task list every day. True to form though, my white board looks nothing like a typical Air Force Flight Commander's white board. Mine is PRETTY and COLORFUL. :) I can't help myself. Pretty things are motivating. I also bought an Erin Condren Life Planner. OMG that thing is a life saver!. I absolutely love planners. I lived in my planner in college between the classes I was taking, ROT