Life with 2 Under 2.....So far
Oh My Crazy Life I didn't really spend too much time planning how in the world I was going to handle two children so young. I've come to learn that somehow, moms just figure it out because we have to. And while planning details is something that I feel like I HAVE to do all the time, this one just seemed a little too overwhelming and I was counting on my super mommy skills to get me through it. I figure that in no time, after this transition process, we won't even know what life without such young kiddos would be like anyway. This lifestyle will become OUR lifestyle, we'll get used to it, and figure it out as we go along. This first week and a half has been a whirl wind adventure, full of learning, some crying, some yelling, but lots of hugs and kisses. It helps that Matt is home on paternity leave and it helps that we have daycare for JB during the week. I can't even imagine how a stay at home mom with a working husband would do it. I can't wrap my h...