9 Month Old Jellybean

My 9 Month Old 

Nine months already? I can't believe how quickly time flies. And yet, at the same time, I can't imagine a life without Jellybean. His time with me as been so short, but the impact has been tremendous. I'm amazed at all the things he's learned to do in 9 months and am eager to see the new adventures in store for him. There are so many times, like last night, when he's asleep in my arms and I wish time would just stay put. I used to be able to lay him across my forearm and he'd fit comfortably. I can't believe he was ever that small. That time just FLEW by at lightning speed. Now? I have an almost toddler on my hands. Ready to get into mischief at a moment's notice! Here's a list of 9 month old Jellybean traits that I don't want to forget. 

Loves to pull up on tables, doors, walls, ANYTHING at all. Standing his one of his favorite things to do. 
Is a crawling machine! Don't let the chubby baby fool you. This kid can move, and quickly too! 
Has had a huge assortment of foods, basically whatever mom and dad eat, as long as it's not processed and not packed with salt or sugar, he's going to try it. 
Favorites: Bananas, Cherries, rice and curry sauce,  
Dislikes: Egg yolks 
Loves remotes. Forget the fancy colorful toys, this kid prefers remote controls. 
Will bang any toy against the table as loud as possible. 
Still no stranger anxiety. 
Beginning to show preference towards mama. I'm ok with that. :) 
Still breastfed but we are supplementing with formula because of my upcoming TDY. 
Can stand unsupported for 3 whole seconds! And then he falls backwards. But he's eager and is always willing to give it another go. 
Loves to imitate. His favorites are scrunching up his face and squinting his eyes or smacking his lips. He gets a kick out of imitating mom and dad! 
Is 50/50 on wearing hats. Sometimes he'll fight like hell to take a beanie off his head. 
Still runs extremely warm. I've never seen a kid sweat this much before. 
Doesn't cry when I leave the room or leave him at daycare. 
Absolutely LOVES to bounce/jump. Whether it be in his Jumperoo or if you're the one helping him. Doesn't matter, nothing makes him smile/laugh more than a good jump session. 
Still not sleeping through the night. Gets up at least 3 times during the night but it isn't that hard to put him back to sleep. Yes, he's still co-sleeping. I'm pretty adamant about co-sleeping. I tried changing it up but it wasn't working for my family. We are a co-sleeping family. 
Excellent road race companion. He falls asleep 10-15 minutes into our run. I'm a big fan of taking him on runs with me because I'm a huge proponent of being a fit mom and including the little one in as many of my interests as possible. 
Nicknames: Charlie, Charlie Charles, Jellybean, Bear Cub, Buddy 


  1. Thank you for keeping up with your blog of Charles Amr. Finally made it back after the crash of my computer in December. Grandpa Moran


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