Mr. Independent

I feel like Jellybean has grown tenfold over night. Part of it is having a newborn around makes him seem so much bigger and part of it is....he really is growing up. And way too quickly I might add. My little man hates to be fed now. Over the last few weeks he somehow decided that he was too old to be fed by mom and dad. He absolutely insists on feeding himself, whether or not he has a spoon in hand or just his fingers as tools. In the last few days he has also decided he must hold his drink cup too. What in the world happened and how do these changes just happen overnight? One day he's ok with us helping him and the next day he refuses to accept any help! It makes for some really messy meal times. Half the time he misses his mouth, half the time he flings the food on the floor, and half the time he gets it in his lap. Ok, I have a math minor so I know that doesn't add up correctly, but whatever. I'm functioning on minimal sleep and absolutely zero breather time here. Jellybean also now hates it when Abby eats food off the floor. He used to love throwing food on the floor and feeding the dog, now he throws the food on the floor and gets extremely upset when Abby eats it. I've started using it as a deterrent to stop him from flinging food everywhere. Maybe we can eventually keep the mess contained to just his high chair. 

Thankfully he still willingly gives hugs and kisses on demand. I dread the day he's too old for that and cuddles! Please stop growing up so fast my Jellybean. 


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