There are some fears coming my way as a boy mom in this era. I'm reading Oprah's speech from the Golden Globes and it's moving and powerful. I'm reading about Natalie Portman's comments about an ALL male directors nominee list, and I'm reading about scandal and sexual assault and the need for women to rise up and not be silenced. As a woman, I support fighting for gender equality. I'm a working mom for goodness sakes. I'm a working mom with two degrees, working on my third, and I'm grateful for the freedom to pursue higher education. I'm a woman that served in the military, I'm a female veteran and I've been to the desert, I've fired guns, I've been mortared. I'm a woman, I feel empowered, I feel for my gender. At the same time though....I haven't felt discrimination or oppression. My paychecks have always been equal to the men who work alongside me. Thank you military for paying us the same based on rank not based on gen...