
Showing posts from October, 2015

18 Month Old Jellybean

My 18 Month Old Jellybean It blows my mind when I have my boys side by side. They're so different, but they're only separated by 16 months. The amount of growing babies and toddlers do in such a small amount of time is so impressive. Growing like a weed for sure! So here are JB's 18 month stats. Weight: 27 pounds Height: 34 inches Favorite Foods Bananas, teddy grahams, cereal, cheese, grapes, yogurt (frozen Gogurt sticks), apples, popcorn, carrots (from a can with a touch of honey), spam!, pasta, smoothies, raisins My not picky eater has all of a sudden become quite picky. I'm hoping it's just a phase. We're still working on eating with utensils, half the food usually falls off the spoon before he can get it in his mouth but he's trying. He can drink out a cup pretty well. We still aren't giving him juice, he eats enough fruit, he doesn't need juice. Strictly milk and water with the occasional sip of lemonade or hot chocolate eve

Two Month Old Tater Tot

My 2 Month Old Tater Tot Weight: 12.5lbs Height: 22.5 inches Birth Weight: 8.5lbs Birth Height: 21 inches He's growing and growing and growing! What can I say about my two month old? Things are so much more simple with this one! I just wrote the 18 month post on Jellybean and there are so many activities and behaviors and foods I can write about when it comes to my toddler. For my baby? Life is so much more simple, the challenges minimal, the cuddling plenty. Food? Mama's milk! That's all he gets and that's all he'll know until he reaches 6 months. I am an exclusively breast feeding mama and very proud of it. I work hard to make sure my little one is getting the best start at life, and that first step is making sure his body is getting the best nourishment there is. Even if it means altering my schedule around nursing/pumping for the next year, we're going to do it because it's worth it! I have a pump at work and I have a pump at hom