
Showing posts from September, 2015

A New Adventure

It still blows my mind when I think about how much my oldest kid has grown in such a short amount of time. When I look at Tater Tot and then I look at Jellybean, I'm amazed at how a person can go from so small and completely dependent on mom for EVERYTHING to..... well what I have now, one crazy toddler. The amount of growing and learning they do in such a short amount of time is so incredible. It really makes me appreciate just how precious this time with my little one is. While I don't want to Kardashian up the word literally, it literally feels like my children are growing up significantly in just the blink of an eye. I feel like Jellybean was just Tater Tot's age, like I said, mind blown. We've been through a lot with that oldest of mine and I have a billion memories to cherish already. How can so many memories be created in a blink? Well I suppose when you love someone that much, EVERY moment becomes a cherished memory. While today isn't exactly my last day on

Baptism: Welcome to Christianity!

I'm not extremely vocal about my faith. I don't push my views on people nor do I judge those with faiths different from mine. I was baptized Catholic and grew up in a Catholic home. I hardly remember my first communion but I do remember going to church (and hating it) every Sunday. I didn't attend Sunday school or go to Catholic school and I have very few Catholic friends. I grew up saying my prayers every night and continue to do so. I had a young adult version of the bible growing up and I read that cover to cover quite a few times. My mom insists on having an alter in her home and probably judges me for not having one in my home. I light a candle anytime something major is going on in my life and ask my family members to do the same for me. While I had a religious upbringing, it wasn't overly strict and didn't consume my childhood. But it still left its mark. Sure, I'm Catholic, but there are a few things that I deviate from. First of all, Matt and I didn&#

Mr. Independent

I feel like Jellybean has grown tenfold over night. Part of it is having a newborn around makes him seem so much bigger and part of it is....he really is growing up. And way too quickly I might add. My little man hates to be fed now. Over the last few weeks he somehow decided that he was too old to be fed by mom and dad. He absolutely insists on feeding himself, whether or not he has a spoon in hand or just his fingers as tools. In the last few days he has also decided he must hold his drink cup too. What in the world happened and how do these changes just happen overnight? One day he's ok with us helping him and the next day he refuses to accept any help! It makes for some really messy meal times. Half the time he misses his mouth, half the time he flings the food on the floor, and half the time he gets it in his lap. Ok, I have a math minor so I know that doesn't add up correctly, but whatever. I'm functioning on minimal sleep and absolutely zero breather time here. Jell