
Showing posts from January, 2015

9 Month Old Jellybean

My 9 Month Old  Nine months already? I can't believe how quickly time flies. And yet, at the same time, I can't imagine a life without Jellybean. His time with me as been so short, but the impact has been tremendous. I'm amazed at all the things he's learned to do in 9 months and am eager to see the new adventures in store for him. There are so many times, like last night, when he's asleep in my arms and I wish time would just stay put. I used to be able to lay him across my forearm and he'd fit comfortably. I can't believe he was ever that small. That time just FLEW by at lightning speed. Now? I have an almost toddler on my hands. Ready to get into mischief at a moment's notice! Here's a list of 9 month old Jellybean traits that I don't want to forget.  Loves to pull up on tables, doors, walls, ANYTHING at all. Standing his one of his favorite things to do.  Is a crawling machine! Don't let the chubby baby fool you. This kid can move,

The Distance Will Break My Heart

Just A Little Trip….Except NOT  My struggles as a working mom continue. I feel like I rant too much about being a working mom and never really highlight the positives. I'm grateful that I can provide for my kiddo in so many ways. Although I struggle with having to leave him or take time away from him because work needs me, the benefits of my working are still pretty significant. I'm glad I'm in a line of work that sets such a positive example, and while my Jellybean doesn't yet understand that, he will one day be able say that my mom served in the Armed Forces. It's not a field for everyone, it requires some discipline, and a whole lot of dedication, but I still think it's worth it. We have excellent medical coverage, his college is basically paid for since Matt and I don't need our GI Bills, daycare is easy, and the fact that mom and dad get a paycheck isn't too bad either. So yes, while I have a hard time leaving my kiddo at daycare sometimes, and l