
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Road to Delivery

To induce or not induce..... At my 40 week checkup, my midwife's technician looked at me sadly and said, "we kept checking the Labor and Delivery check ins to see if your name was going to show." At my 39 week checkup, they were so sure I would deliver soon. I had already been to L&D for labor pains, I was 4cm dilated, the signs were all pointing to baby coming soon. But alas, there I was at 40 weeks, still at 4cm, still waiting. I had plenty of meltdowns those last few weeks, mostly crying in the shower first thing in the morning when I woke up to my water not breaking or woke up without any labor pains. I would go to bed cramping and contracting and wake up perfectly fine! I was getting short with everyone, especially at work. A girl can only handle so many "you're still pregnant!?" comments. I mean, come on people, you think I'm trying to stay this uncomfortable and in pain? You don't think I want to meet this little guy that's clearly